TOPIC: Nutanix Announces Support!

DATE: 9 July 2018

In a public statement, Nutanix has announced support for our efforts. See below for their released statement: 

Statement Nutanix Netherlands B.V - English. As an international company we are disappointed that the proposed reduction of the 30% tax ruling for expats does not include a grace period. This will directly impact individuals who have made important professional and personal decisions to move to the Netherlands based on the original commitment by the Dutch government. We respect the Dutch government’s right to change tax policies for both businesses and individuals but also believe it only reasonable that current recipients of this tax policy are not burdened by an unexpected change and request that the new policy is only effective moving forward and not retroactive. We seek to protect our highly skilled expat community, maintain trust in government, and to maintain the Netherlands’ positive reputation with the international business community.

On behalf of the UENL community, thank you, Nutanix, for your support!